i can cook!!! (:
i shall do something outta the ordinary and..
POST PHOTOS! (: yay!
haha i discovered that picasa can do photo collages (: that's why i'm posting pictures. cuz i can fit all the pictures into ONE (: yay.
this iz the food i've cooked. (:

1. cabbage with carrot: twice :D the first time the cabbage wasnt soft yet :p the second time much better (:
2. then there's spaghetti! (: with hotdogs and golden mushroom. rem i've never cooked back at home before. so cut me some slack okay?
3. then there's chawanmushi which i forgot i needed to put chicken broth :p
4. in the center iz honey chicken! i called home for the recipe on friday (: the other plate iz rice with microwaved curry. Kammy cooked that.
5. and say hello to my last roomie! (: her name iz Rushien and she iz officially my guniea pig for cooking :p with her iz my fav egg+carrot+golden mushroom dish. that was yum (:
next photo iz the place i've been! (: sorry it's like so jumbled up.

top left
1. city: the view at yarra river (:
2. the dragons that i eyed during the carnival! (: cute right??? x)
3. phillip island: me :p
4. city: yarra river, the built up area
5. city: yarra river
6. phillip island: the rocks where the seals were suppose to be but i didnt see any
7. phillip island: BITE ME! kids tee which i got attracted to :p haha it's so cute i wanted to buy the biggest size so i can wear it.
8. city: yarra river, under the bridge of traffic
9. phillip island: my new friends (: jin, crystal and sam
10. city: yarra river
now, me (: it's all about meeeeee :p
top left
1. gardenier's creek: the place where i jog (: it rained that morning so the water iz not stagnant (: looks nice and sounds nice too (: the flow of water.
2. gardenier's creek
3. my singaporean friend, pearl. waiting to get banged down by trams :p
4. the road to Box Hill.
5. gardenier's creek
6. me and humprey bear! :p they were having some fair in school :p
7. the road to Box Hill.
8. me waiting to get banged down by trams :D
9. gardenier's creek. the bench which i dun sit on :p
10. me waiting for the tram. not on the tracks :p
11. the road to Box Hill.
12. gardenier's creek. me and that enticing waters (:
and i realised that this week iz the march holidays! x)
to all the kiddos having holidays, enjoy! (:Labels: pics x)
*throbs @17:45 <3
There .
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